Mumbai: Actor Shahid Kapoor has seen an evolving relationship with his father Pankaj Kapur. Though they share a strong bond now, the case wasn't the same years back.
In an interview, Shahid told he "didn’t have too much interaction" with his father while growing up. However, joining the ends of the strings, the Kabir Singh actor revived the father-son relationship, post his parents' separation.
Shahid claimed that even though his father separated from his mother Neelima Azeem, he was never an ever an insecure child.
In a conversation with a news portal, he said: "My parents separated when I was three, but I was extremely secure as a child. It has a lot to do with the kind of effort dad and I made to keep it [our relationship] healthy, normal and positive. You know, sometimes, he says that he wants to shift out of town and lead a chilled-out life, maybe five or 10 years down the line. I don’t like that. He is a big part of my life."
Pankaj Kapur seconded Shahid's thought saying: "As Shahid said, it is very difficult to explain. For a father, to separate from his son is not easy. It was a huge emotional loss for me [the last time around] and I started living with the hope that there will come a time when we will come close to each other again. And today, it’s a great feeling to sit next to him, see his work or hear him speak and bond with the family."