New Delhi: Popular singer, rapper Yo Yo Honey Singh on Friday broke the silence and has issued an official statement over the alleged false and malicious allegations levied against the singer and his family. Taking to Instagram, the singer-rapper in the statement wrote, "I am deeply pained and distressed by the false and malicious allegations levied against me and my family by my companion/wife of 20 years, Mrs. Shalini Talwar. The allegations are severely odious."
"I have never issued a public statement or press note in the past despite being subjected to harsh criticism for my lyrics, speculation on my health and negative media coverage in general. However, I see no merit in maintaining a studied silence this time because some of the allegations have been directed at my family - my old parents and younger sister - who have stood by me during some very difficult and trying times and comprise my world. The allegations are cynical and defaming in nature," he said.
Singh said in the statement that he has been associated with the industry for over 15 years and has worked with artists and musicians across the country. "Everyone is aware of my relationship with my wife, who has been an integral part of my crew for more than a decade now and always accompanied me to my shoots, events, and meetings," he said.
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