Mumbai: Actor Priyanka Chopra Jonas was in Berlin from past few days for shooting assignment. On returning home to her husband Nick Jonas in Los Angeles, PeeCee took to social media to share a happy picture and wrote, "Home is where the heart is."
After the unlock, the Desi Girl is gradually returning to her normal life which is literally living out of a bag. The actor recently flew to Berlin post which reports of her shooting for The Matrix 4 in Germany’s capital surfaced online. But so far, the actor has kept the details under the wraps.
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On Monday morning, the Quantico star took to social media to share that she is back in LA. PeeCee took to Instagram and shared a picture in which she is seen all set to go on a ride with hubby Nick on the driver seat. The couple also took along their pets for the long drive.
Taking to her Instagram account, PeeCee wrote, "Home is where the heart is. @diariesofdiana @ginothegerman @nickjonas." In the pic, Priyanka is seen donning casuals while Nick opted for a sweater and black trousers.
Besides Matrix 4, Priyanka will next be seen in the film adaptation of The White Tiger, which she has also executive produced, and We Can Be Heroes, directed by Robert Rodriguez. She is currently developing an untitled comedy with Mindy Kaling and Dan Goor, and also working on Russo Brothers' Citadel.