Mumbai: Actor Arjun Kapoor is set to headline director Ajay Bahl's suspense drama thriller The Lady Killer, the makers announced on Monday. Produced by Bhushan Kumar and Shaaliesh R Singh, the film is billed as the story of a small town "playboy" who falls in love with a "self-destructive beauty" and their whirlwind romance.
Arjun's girlfriend Malaika Arora took to her Instagram story and shared the poster of The Lady Killer. Along with the poster, Malaika used a "wow" sticker. Malaika aside, Arjun's sister Anshula Kapoor and half-sisters Janhvi and Khushi Kapoor too shared his poster on social media to cheer for him.
Talking about the films, Kapoor said he was hooked when he read the script of The Lady Killer and called his role the "most challenging" character yet. "I am excited to be a part of this journey with my amazing producers Bhushan sir, Shaailesh sir and of course my director Ajay Bahl sir. I can't wait to begin prep for my role, it's going to be my most challenging role yet but I'm excited," the 36-year-old actor said in a statement.
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