Mumbai: Madhuri Dixit has revealed how she is spending her days during the ongoing COVID 19 lockdown. The actor is making the most of her quarantine time with her family and pet dog Carmelo, cooking, reading books and practicing kathak dance.
On Tuesday afternoon, Madhuri Dixit did an #AskMD session on Twitter where she responded to curious questions thrown at her by fans regarding her life, her perception and opinion about several things including the ongoing lockdown. The actor patiently handled all the questions and responded to them.
Responding to a fan's question about how she is spending her lockdown days, the actor tweeted: "Mostly spending time with my family, playing with Carmelo, reading books, some cooking and doing kathak riyaz!"
Another fan asked for a suggestion regarding "how to control anger when dealing with negativity". Madhuri replied: "Anger never helps you. Try to think with an open mind and always look on the bright side while dealing with negativity."
Responding to another fan who was curious to learn the "secret" behind her "positive" mindset, the Kalank actor shared: "There's no secret. You just need to find the silver lining in everything."