Hyderabad: Bollywood star Anil Kapoor's son Harsh Varrdhan Kapoorand actor Pooja Bedi's daughter Alaya F are all set to headline an upcoming romantic comedy. The untitled film will be bankrolled by none other than Harsh's sister Rhea Kapoor who has earlier produced films like Aisha, Khoobsurat and Veere Di Wedding, all featuring her sister Sonam Kapoor in the lead.
According to reports, Rhea has been working on few projects including the sequel of Veere Di Wedding. The project featuring Alaya alongside Harsh is in the pre-production stage and will be going on floors soon. The rom-com will mark Harsh's maiden collaboration with his sister Rhea who trusted their eldest sibling Sonam with all her production ventures so far.
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Though it's a rom-com the upcoming film is said to be heavily loaded with humour than drama. The film is aimed to provide Harsh with a project that helps him break his serious image and push him in the category of more commercial space. With his work being lauded in AK vs AK, the team is confident of the film securing a smooth landing.
Coming up next for Hash is Hindi anthology series of four stories based on short stories written by the late maestro Satyajit Ray. The Netflix series consists of four episodes that bring alive the various colours of life. Harsh features in the segment titled Spotlight which is helmed by Vasan Bala. In Ray, which will premiere on June 25, Harsh plays a superstar who encounters a God woman and is amazed at her popularity.
Meanwhile, Alaya, who reportedly has a three-film deal with producer Jay Shewakramani is yet to announced her next. The actor won the Filmfare Award in the Best Debut Female category for her performance in Jawaani Jaaneman co-starring Saif Ali Khan and Tabu.