Mumbai: Actor Ayushmann Khurrana on the occasion of Guru Purnima, which falls on Saturday, has acknowledged the impact that late singer-actor Kishore Kumar has had on his life and career. Ayushmann called the legendary Bollywood star an "institution". "Kishore Kumar is not just a legend and an icon, he is an institution. He has always been a beacon of inspiration for me, his songs have given me my biggest learnings when I decided to pursue my passion for music and I'm in awe of the legacy he has left behind," Ayushmann said.
The actor, who has delivered eight back-to-back hits, credits Kishore Kumar for shaping the film industry. Ayushmann said: "Kishore Kumar was the multi-talented showman of the century and as an artiste, I find that fascinating. He shaped the industry, has been inspiring musicians for generations and carved his name in the history of the Indian film and music industry."