Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Kriti Sanon has shared an update on her upcoming film Bhediya. The actor has announced that she has wrapped up first schedule of the film in Arunachal Pradesh.
On Monday, Kriti took to Instagram and shared a set of two pictures wherein she is seen with Varun Dhawan who is her co-star from the upcoming film Bhediya. Kriti, who was shooting for Bhediya in Ziro, Arunachal Pradesh, has shared that it's a schedule wrap for her.
Kriti also mentioned her bond with Varun and said from 2015 released Dilwale to working together for Bhediya in 2021 they have come a long way and she will miss him.
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Sharing endearing images featuring her and Varun, the actor wrote: "And its a schedule wrap for me in Ziro for #BHEDIYA! 🐺From Dilwale to Bhediya and all the years of friendship in between, we’ve come a long way @varundvn 💖.. Gonna miss you, the captain of our pack @amarkaushik and the entire Wolfpack 🐺💖 See you guys soon!! And bye bye Ziro!"
Varun too, posted a message for Kriti on his Instagram page. Uploading the same pictures, he captioned: "Kya lagti hain hai Raaba Bahut maaza ayaa apka saath @kritisanon #wolfpack. It's a sched wrap for kriti on #BHEDIYA as we say bye to ziro. Will miss you both."
Bhediya is directed by Amar Kaushik and also stars Deepak Dobriyal. The film is slated to release on April 14, 2022.