Mumbai: Ahead of the launch of the 50th edition of the International Film Festival of India (IFFI), Information and Broadcasting Secretary Amit Khare on Wednesday unveiled the audio-visual anthem, showcasing the clips of several content-driven and impactful films including Bajirao Mastaani and Bhaag Milkha Bhaag.
The anthem's music has been composed by Ricky Kej, who is also the recipient of the Grammy Award.
Talking about the track, Ricky shared that he tried to mix international music with the soul of India.
"I always try to create social impact with my music...There are a lot of problems our society is facing and we hardly talk about such issues, and movies and videos are one medium which emotionally moves people towards creating awareness and implement necessary actions. IFFI is extremely important to bring positive change in society. I am happy to be a part of such a festival. So with the anthem, I tried to create the music which motivates people to do their bit for the society," Ricky said.