Mumbai: Actor Vidya Balan has recently unveiled the teaser of her upcoming biopic on math wizard Shakuntala Devi. Along with the teaser, the actor also revealed that the trailer of the film will be out on July 15.
The teaser features the poster of the film. Vidya is seen introducing her character Shakuntala from the film. A saree clad Balan narrates that 'Maths has no rules, only magic'. Vidya Balan wrote, "Get ready to meet the genius! Trailer out tomorrow. Meet Shakuntala Devi on Prime July 31, on Amazon Prime Video."
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Fans flooded the post with sweet wishes and comments.
A user wrote, "Always wait for your movies. All the best for this one. I am sure you will nail this too."
"Wow ma'am, eagerly waiting," wrote another fan. And, many dropped hearts on the post.
For unversed, the film is based on the life of Shakuntala, who is widely revered as the human computer for her innate ability to make incredibly complex calculations within seconds.
Earlier this month, online video streaming service Amazon Prime Video had announced that the much-awaited film will get its global premiere on July 31. Besides Vidya, the film also stars Jisshu Sengupta, Sanya Malhotra, Amit Sadh among others.
Hemed by Anu Menon, the flick is bankrolled by Sony Pictures Networks Productions and Vikram Malhotra. The screenplay is written by Anu Menon and Nayanika Mahtani, while the dialogues are penned by Ishita Moitra.