Mumbai: Renowned Bollywood choreographer Ganesh Acharya has been accused of exploiting the dancers by not paying them according to the set wage standards.
The dancers have claimed that Ganesh is the only choreographer in the industry who doesn't pay them according to the increased wage.
According to the dancers of Federation of Cine Artists Association, due to Acharya's interference, the committee has been divided into two. The matter has been dragged to the industrial court and Dindoshi civil court.
Talking about the wage disparity, one of the Cine dancers said that the last time they got a hike was on June 2014 during the shooting of Salman Khan starrer Kick. He further said that it has been five years since the received an increment in their wage.
The Cine dancer also said that he along with his fellow artists went to all the choreographers demanding a hike, to which they all agreed. However, Ganesh was reluctant to give them an increment.