Hyderabad (Telangana): Bollywood actor-director Farhan Akhtar and his partner Shibani Dandekar are tying the knot today is known. While the couple has remained tight-lipped about their big day, details kept making it to the headlines. Now the first picture from Farhan and Shibani's intimate wedding has also surfaced online.
First picture from Farhan-Shibani wedding out! In the viral picture, Farhan and Shibani are seen dressed in their wedding attire. While Shibani is seen donning a red gown with a veil, Farhan looks dapper in a black suit. The wedding ceremony is attended by only close family and friends at Farhan's father veteran lyricist Javed Akhtar's farmhouse in Khandala, Maharashtra.
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Celebrities like Hrithik Roshan, Rhea Chakraborty, Amrita Arora and other reached the wedding venue today morning. Rhea, who is among Shibani's close group of friends, had also attended the pre-wedding festivities in Mumbai.
Hrithik Roshan poses with family as he reaches Farhan-Shibani wedding venue Farhan and Shibani have been together for three before they decided to take the plunge. For unversed, Farhan was earlier married to celebrity hairstylist Adhuna Bhabnani with whom he has two daughters -- Shakya and Akira.