Hyderabad (Telangana):Filmmaker Farhan Akhtar and actor-host Shibani Dandekar on Wednesday shared photos from their wedding ceremony on social media and thanked all those who respected "our need for privacy on the day". In a few pictures, Farhan's daughters are also seen dancing happily at the wedding which took place on February 19.
Shakya and Akira at Farhan-Shibani wedding Farhan and Shibani exchanged vows in the presence of close family and friends at a farmhouse in Khandala, a hill station close to Mumbai, after more than four years of dating. Though there was no official confirmation from the duo on the day of their wedding, social media was flooded with purported photos and videos from the ceremony.
Farhan Akhtar's daughters dance at his wedding with Shibani Dandekar READ |Pictures from Farhan Akhtar-Shibani Dandekar's oh-so-dreamy wedding are out!
Son of screenwriters Javed Akhtar and Honey Irani, Farhan was previously married to celebrity hairstylist Adhuna Bhabani. They got divorced after 16 years of marriage and share two daughters Shakya, 21, and Akira, 15. His daughters were part of the celebration as seen in several pictures from the dreamy wedding.
Taking to Instagram, Farhan shared pictures in which his daughters Shakya and Akira are seen holding flower bouquets as he and Shibani exchange vows. In another picture, Farhan is seen posing for a happy picture with his daughters. Shakya and Akira also danced at Farhan and Shibani's wedding.
Shibani's sister Anusha and Farhan's daughters on the dance floor On the work front, Farhan will return to direction with a road trip movie titled Jee Le Zaraa, starring Priyanka Chopra, Katrina Kaif and Alia Bhatt together. Shibani will next be seen in the Malayalam and Telugu remakes of the hit 2013 Hindi comedy Queen.