Hyderabad: Shah Rukh Khan gave an epic reply to a fan seeking information about his upcoming film. Bollywood's Badshah was at his sarcastic best while interacting with fans on Twitter in an online session titled "#asksrk" on Wednesday.
On Wednesday afternoon, SRK invited fans with a tweet: "Have 15 minutes before I go into doing more of nothing! Thought will spend it with you all and do a quick #AskSRK 3...2....1....go!"
Soon, fans flooded the actor's timeline with questions, as a result, the hashtag #AskSRK started trending on Twitter. During the chat, SRK was his witty self and when a fan asked him about the announcement of his next, the actor said, "Announcements are for airports and railway stations my friend….movies ki hawa toh khud ban jaati hai….."