Mumbai: Chhapaak director Meghna Gulzar revealed Deepika Padukone's reaction after she approached her for the movie. She accepted the character spontaneously and with honesty. Meghna also spoke about the life inspiration she got from the acid-survivor Laxmi Agarwal.
"I went to meet her and I knew that she wanted to do a light contemporary love story for her next. But, I wanted to give it a try. I just talked about the topic, I didn't even give the narration and it just took her 10 mins to say that she wants to be a part of the film. She accepted the character spontaneously and with great honesty. This film would have been incomplete without her."
Talking about the life inspiration Meghna learnt from the acid-attack survivor Laxmi, she said, "I learnt that it is not impossible to overcome any big devastation if we have strong will power. "
She also spoke about Laxmi's reaction when she came to the sets. Meghna said that it was a victory for the actor and director when the acid-attack survivor felt as if another Laxmi was standing beside her.