Kolkata: Bengali actor Jisshu Sengupta, who has made quite a few remarkable stints in Bollywood to his name, is ready to impress the audience with his latest offering Shakuntala Devi which stars Vidya Balan in the lead role. In an exclusive interview with ETV Bharat Sitara, the Kahani actor shared his experience of featuring alongside the "sweetest co-star." The film, directed by Anu Menon, is based on the life of human-computer and mathematics genius Shakuntala Devi. Here's an excerpt from the interview.
- Q: How did you spend time during the lockdown?
Jisshu: All good. Sometimes I had a great time, sometimes I got bored. It's kind of mixed feelings.
- Q: Please tell us about your character in Shakuntala Devi
Jisshu: The character's name is Paritosh Banerjee. I do not want to say more than that. Otherwise, a lot has to be said. I will request everyone to watch the movie.
- Q: What made you say 'yes' to the Anu Menon's directorial?
Jisshu: The script, the story... Who wouldn't want to be a part of this biopic! After she offered the film to me, I read the script and it sounded awesome. That is why I say 'yes' to Anu for Shakuntala Devi.
- Q: How was your experience of portraying Vidya Balan's on-screen husband?
Jisshu: It was a great experience. Vidya is absolutely sweetheart. After working with so many people, Vidya to me seems to be the sweetest co-star. A very humble woman. I really like the way Vidya works. The biggest thing is - me being a huge fan of Vidya. And Vidya knows that. She has seen my work in Rajkahini, directed by Rituparno Ghosh. So she knew me even before this film. She used to crack jokes and make fun on set.
- Q: Any memorable incident while shooting for the film?
Jisshu: It is very difficult to say one or two such events. The whole film can be termed as memorable. We always had fun on set. Anu would go crazy with us.
- Q: Since the film is based on numbers, how good were you at mathematics?
Jisshu: I was very bad at studying. Please don't ask me this question (laughs)...
- Q: Your reaction to the film being released on OTT platform