Mumbai: After the trailer launch of the upcoming film Pal Pal Dil Ke Pass postponed, a slew of events have been rescheduled from its assigned day due to incessant rains here.
The official press conference of the 20th Homecoming Edition of NEXA IIFA Awards 2019 which was scheduled to take place on Wednesday evening has been postponed following the continuous downpour in the city.
The film's team issued a statement in this regard which read: "On behalf of Wizcraft, IIFA and Friends of IIFA (Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif, Madhuri Dixit) along with key dignitaries and partners we would like to inform to you that our Official Press Conference of 20TH Homecoming Edition Of NEXA IIFA Awards 2019 (scheduled to take place today at 6:30 PM @ITC Grand Central, Parel, Mumbai) has been postponed due to the heavy rains in Mumbai."
However, there was no mention of the rescheduled date.