Hyderabad: Bollywood superstar Salman Khan will be back on the screen with yet another bigger than life story, Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai. After assuring exhibitors' associations for releasing the film in theaters, Salman has now announced Radhe's release date.
Directed by Prabhudheva, Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai was scheduled to release in 2020 but got pushed due to the COVID crisis. When reports of Salman having sold the satellite, theatrical, digital and music rights of the film for a whopping sum of Rs 230 crore to Zee Studios, cinema hall owners associations wrote to the superstar requesting him to release the film only in theatres on Eid 2021. Following the request, Salman had announced that the film will arrive in theaters on Eid 2021.
Keeping his promise, the superstar took to social media and shared that his much-awaited film will be hitting big screens on May 13.