Mumbai: After actor Dia Mirza announced her separation from husband Sahil Sangha on Thursday, speculations started doing the rounds on the Internet that writer Kanika Dhillon's closeness with Sahil is the reason behind the end of Dia's married life.
"This is to clarify and put to rest all kind of speculation that is being bandied about by a certain section of the media regarding my separation with Sahil. It is most unfortunate to see the level of irresponsibility exercised. What is even more unfortunate is that our colleagues' names are being tarnished and maligned by this media. As a woman I will not stand for another woman's name being used so irresponsibly to perpetuate a lie," Dia tweeted on Friday.
Kanika, who parted ways with her former husband and director Prakash Kovelamudi, slammed the reports for using her name in Dia's separation from Sahil.