Mumbai: Actors Disha Patani and Anil Kapoor on Friday shared their character posters from the much talked about romance-thriller Malang on social media.
Disha took to Twitter to share the all-pink character poster and captioned the post as, "In life from one high to another. #MalangFirstLook.The trailer unveils on 6th Jan!"
Kapoor shared his character poster in an Instagram post, where he is seen holding a gun in hand and captioned the colourful poster as, "Life is in God's hand, Gun in mine. #MalangFirstLook."
Daughter Sonam Kapoor Ahuja was all praises over her father's look in the upcoming movie and shared the post on Twitter saying, "Loving your Malang look! Yet another character and look that you've aced! Is there anything you can't do?! Can't wait to watch it @AnilKapoor."