Mumbai:Punjabi Singer-actor Diljit Dosanjh locked horns with Bollywood star Kangana Ranaut on Twitter over farmers' protest. From December 2, the two have been engaged in a Twitter war which is seemingly won by Diljit as he has reportedly gained close to 5 lakh followers on the microblogging site.
Though in Punjabi his tweets have apparently resonated with the Twitterati. Consequently, in the past two days, there has been a spike of nearly 5 lakh followers on his Twitter handle.
Reportedly, Diljit had 3.8 million followers until December 2 and gained close to 5 lakh followers on the microblogging site in just two days. The main reason for the spike is believed to be his ongoing spat with Kangana. The Highway actor remained in the trends throughout Friday with hashtags #DiljitVsKangana and #DiljitDestroysKangana topping the trends.