Hyderabad: Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan was spotted at Dilip Kumar's residence to pay his respect as the legendary actor breathed his last today. SRK was seen consoling Kumar's wife Saira Banu who lost her 'Kohinoor' after brief hospitalisation due to age-related issues.
SRK's admiration for the first Khan of Bollywood is no secret. From rolling out the red carpet for Dilip Kumar and Saira Banu at an award show to taking Kumar's autograph on a life-size poster of Madhubala and Salim, SRK has always been vocal about how much he idolises the stalwart of Hindi cinema.
The admiration was mutual as in an earlier interview, Saira Banu had even said that if they had a son, he might have looked like the Baazigar actor.
"Dilip saab gave the ceremonial clap. I have always said that if we had a son, he might have looked like Shah Rukh," she was quoted saying. She had then added, "Both he and saab are a lot alike and have similar hair, which is why I like to run my fingers through Shah Rukh Khan when we meet. This time he asked me, 'Aaaj aap mere baalon ko haath nahin laga rahi hain?' I was happy to."