Hyderabad: Legendary actor Dilip Kumar, who has been admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) of a hospital in Mumbai, is stable, his family friend Faisal Farooqui said on Friday. The 98-year-old screen icon was taken to the suburban Khar-based Hinduja Hospital, a non-COVID-19 facility on Tuesday, to "address medical issues" related to old age after he complained of "breathlessness".
"He is stable. He continues to be in the hospital on doctor's advice so that doctor can provide necessary medical attention given his age. The family believes he will be discharged in a day or two," Farooqui said in a statement. He said the family has expressed gratitude to Kumar's well-wishers for their unending prayers.
WATCH: Saira Banu briefs media as Dilip Kumar gets discharged from hospital