Hyderabad: Veteran actor Dilip Kumar got discharged from Mumbai's PD Hinduja Hospital today. Dilip Kumar, who was admitted to the PD Hinduja Hospital in Khar, Mumbai on Sunday, following breathing issues, was later diagnosed with bilateral pleural effusion and has since been in the ICU ward, though not on the ventilator.
The veteran actor was initially set to be discharged on Thursday but family friend Faisal Farooqui said it has been decided to let Kumar rest for a day at the hospital. The megastar's spokesperson on Friday took to the evergreen actor's official Twitter account and updated everyone about his health.
"With your love and affection, and your prayers, Dilip Saab is going home from the hospital. God's infinite mercy and kindness through Drs. Gokhale, Parkar, Dr. Arun Shah and the entire team at Hinduja Khar. --Faisal Farooqui," the tweet read.
Kumar, 98, who wasdiagnosed with bilateral pleural effusion -- a build-up of excess fluid between the layers of the pleura outside the lungs, underwent a successful pleural aspiration procedure on Wednesday.