Mumbai: Legendary actor Dilip Kumar, who was admitted to a hospital here after experiencing breathlessness, is stable and likely to be discharged within "three to four days", Dr Jalil Parkar, the chest specialist treating the screen icon, said on Tuesday.
Kumar, 98, is under treatment at the suburban Khar-based Hinduja Hospital, a non-COVID-19 facility, since Sunday. The actor was diagnosed with bilateral pleural effusion, which is the build-up of excess fluid between the layers of the pleura outside the lungs.
"Dilip Kumar's health is improving and the problem of breathlessness has also subdued, but he continues to be on oxygen support," Parkar further added, "He is stable. We will take a call on removing fluids tomorrow. He might get discharged in three to four days."
On Monday, Parkar said Kumar's health had improved, with his oxygen saturation levels better and his breathing difficulty reduced.