Hyderabad: Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan was all set to reunite with Saif Ali Khan for the Hindi remake of Tamil superhit Vikram Vedha but later walked out of the project suddenly. It was initially thought that he left the project since he was not satisfied with the script, the latest reports, however, suggest that Khan's fall out with Vijay Sethupathi was the main reason behind his exit from the film.
Aamir was supposed to essay Vedha, the antagonist with grey shades which Vijay essayed in the original. While the speculations suggested that the actor has walked out due to apparent ''script issues'', a leading webloid report reveals that Aamir had loved the script of the Hindi adaptation and he left the film in a jiffy. Speculations are rife that Khan left the film since he didn’t want to portray the character of Vijay Sethupathi, after an apparent fall out with him on Laal Singh Chaddha.