Mumbai: Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan on Monday spent some virtual time with his fans. King Khan during a Q&A session on Twitter with fans and followers hinted at a collaboration with Rajkumar Hirani.
During the Twitter chat, a user told the actor to keep fans updated about whether his next film be with director Rajkumar Hirani, Atlee or Siddharth Anand.
Shah Rukh, whose last cinematic outing was 2018's Zero, answered in his signature witty style, "Is it alright if I can forward the scripts to you also? Don't stress will do lots of films my man."
When given a choice between Hollywood masters Martin Scorsese and Christopher Nolan, the actor went for an option close to home.
"Wow both are awesome and I have met them... but Raju apna sa lagta hai... nahi (Raju is like one of us, right)?" Shah Rukh said hinting at a collaboration with Hirani.
There have been reports that the 54-year-old star may sign his next with the Sanju director.
SRK also said everyone will have to pause and reflect on the way they lead their lives whenever the nationwide lockdown is over.
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Did SRK just confirm film with Rajkumar Hirani?
The reports of Shah Rukh Khan giving nod for Rajkumar Hirani's next are doing rounds of the tinselville from some time now. The actor sort of confirmed the reports during a Twitter chat with fans.
To contain the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, Prime Minister Narendra Modi called for a 21-day lockdown in the country, starting March 25.
However, the lockdown was recently extended till May 3 as the number of cases kept rising in the country.
In Q&A session on Twitter with fans and followers, Shah Rukh was asked whether it would be a different world after the lockdown was over.
"I think we will all have to press pause... reset and then play our worlds going forward," the actor replied.
When a user asked him what he has learnt these days, Shah Rukh reiterated that we all need to slow down a bit.
"Look and feel life and nature a bit more than just seeking instant gratification 24/7," he added.
One of the fans also asked him how he was spending time during lockdown.
To which Shah Rukh replied, "In spite of contributing to the population boom, having three kids to be with is a treat. They are in all shapes and sizes, so the day goes by being with them each for a couple of hours. Then spend the rest of the day cleaning up their toys!"
With inputs from PTI