Hyderabad: After Salman Khan's Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai getting leaked, now Tamil star Dhanush's film Jagame Thandhiram is doing the rounds on piracy sites such as Tamilrockers, Movierulz and Telegram. The film streamed on Netflix from 12:30 pm today but before the subscribers get to watch it, Jagame Thandhiram has reportedly surfaced on piracy sites. Dhanush aside, the Karthik Subbaraj directorial also stars Aishwarya Lekshmi, Joju George, Kalaiyarasan, Sharath Ravi and James Cosmo in pivotal roles.
Jagame Thandhiram was initially planned to have a theatrical release but due to the pandemic situation makers decided to take the OTT route. In the film, Dhanish is playing a nomadic gangster working with the global mafia, as he is conflicted between being allies with them or revolting against them. While the makers were awaiting film's release on the OTT giant, the notorious piracy players released Jagame Thandhiram in HD quality for free download.