Mumbai: Deepika Padukone on Thursday shared a glimpse of how she is spending time with husband Ranveer Singh amid the 21-day-long government-imposed lockdown and revealed a picture of him taking a nap.
The 34-year-old actor took to Instagram and shared an extremely adorable picture. In the snap, Ranveer is seen taking a nap while covered in a quilt and keeping his hand under a pillow. Deepika has pasted a strip on Ranveer's forehead noting "Husband". It seems like the Bajirao Mastani is enjoying his isolation time by taking in some good sleep.
Deepika captioned the adorable post as, "Season 1:Episode 7: & while I was at it... @ranveersingh #wannabemariekondo #thinkitookittoofar Productivity in the time of COVID-19!"
The adorable post on Instagram garnered more than 4k likes within an hour of being posted and received heart-warming comments by celebrity followers including Kiara Advani and Tisca Chopra.