Mumbai: Actor Deepika Padukone who is currently on a promotion spree for her upcoming film Chhapaak on Tuesday said that she wishes to create an impact on the society with the film.
"I wanted to work in this film and produce this film because the more this story reaches people the more it is good for society, the country, and the world," the actor told ANI.
"It is important to deliver the message that Laxmi and other survivors are an inspiration to us. I wanted to make this film to show what these survivors had made out of their life after going through such incidents," she added.
Speaking about society's behaviour towards acid-attack survivors, the Padmaavat actor said, "As a society, we do not treat them equally, we treat them as disabled people. Their life is not different but just like ours and we should treat them like we want to be treated."
"It is very important for them to be treated without sympathy and equally," added Padukone.