Mumbai: Bollywood actor Deepika Padukone faced a backlash over her tweet on the role of Romi Dev in the upcoming film 83.
The actor posted her look as Romi on February 19. It was the tweet that accompanied the post that didn't go down well with social media users.
"To be able to play a small part in a film that captures one of the most iconic moments in sporting history has been an absolute honour.
"Ive seen very closely the role a wife plays in the success of her husband's professional and personal aspirations in my mother and 83 for me in many ways is an ode to every woman who puts her husband's dream before her own...#thisis83," she had captioned the image.
A user wrote: "Just to promote the film such a backward chatter. How annoying."
Another said: "good God, ‘every woman who puts her husband's dream before her own' has been happening since the dawn of time and needs to stop. NOW."