Hyderabad: Bollywood diva Deepika Padukone in October 2019 had announced that she is all set to co-produce and star in Mahabharat, a film that will be made from Draupadi's point of view. Amid the buzz of Mahabharat being shelved, the latest reports suggest that the film has been put on hold and will be revived later when the team feels is the right time to do so.
Deepika, who turned producer with 2020 released Chhapaak, had announced that her second production will be Mahabharat. Padukone's ambitious film was said to be seen through the eyes of Draupadi which will give a fresh take on the mythological tale. The film was planned to be made in a series of parts with the first one slated to release in Diwali 2021. Mahabharat however, got stuck in stagnancy and according to a webloid report, the main reason is that the makers couldn't find a director whose vision for the film is aligned with what they have visualised the film to be.