Mumbai: Deepika Padukone dug out a childhood picture from her album and shared it on Instagram. The actor, according to her younger sister Anisha Padukone is "rocking the katori cut" hairstyle in the throwback picture.
The Padmaavat star on Monday took to Instagram to share an adorable childhood picture which she captioned with, "Basic." In the picture, little Deepy is seen savoring food along with her friends or maybe cousins whom she has also tagged in the post.
More than the picture and caption, it was her sister Anisha's hilarious comment which has caught our attention.
Referring to Deepika's hairstyle, Anisha, who is a professional golfer, wrote, "Rocking the katori cut." All those born in the late 80s can relate to what Anisha is hinting at as the "Katori cut" was among very few options available for baby haircuts in those days.