Hyderabad (Telangana):Bollywood diva Deepika Padukone and Siddhant Chaturvedi will be promoting their upcoming film Gehraiyaan on the Bigg Boss 15 is known. The duo will be seen in the Bigg Boss 15 grand finale which will be airing tonight on Colors. For the BB15 finale, Deepika opted for an outfit worth over Rs 1 lakh.
On Sunday, Deepika took to her Instagram to share pictures of her Bigg Boss 15 finale look. Styled by Shaleena Nathani, Deepika is seen donning a black blazer dress by a French haute couture fashion designer Alexandre Vauthier. The actor rounded her look with a pencil-heel sandal with an ankle strap from Gucci. With a Cuban link chain and a ring, Deepika kept her accessory game to the minimum.