Mumbai: The hit pair of Vijay Devarkonda and Rashmika Mandanna are back to woo the audience with their intense chemistry in their upcoming film 'Dear Comrade'. The just-released trailer has started the countdown for the much-hyped movie.
The trailer gives a sneak-peek into the character of Vijay who is actively engaged in college politics despite receiving a reprimand from his principal and father to stay away from it.
Rashmika, who plays the love interest of Vijay is a state-level cricket player. Her character is determined, calm and sensitive contrary to Vijay who is rebellious, violent and impulsive.
In one of the sequences, Vijay asks Rashmika to let him be his 'comrade' which justifies the purpose of the title 'Dear Comrade'.
The trailer is full of action with lots of fight-sequences between the various political parties in college. Vijay comes across as a young man with anger-management issues.
By the end of the video, the plot hits turbulence with the lovers being apart leading Vijay into severe emotional trauma. Also, there is a scene in which Rashmika breaks down in tears and tells him that that he is unpredictable, and that his anger makes it impossible for her to trust him.