Mumbai: Bollywood Superstar Salman Khan who turned 54 on Friday takes out time and thank his fans and while comparing his film Dabaang 3 with Akshay Kumar's latest Good Newwz, the actor says that everyone's film should earn a lot of money as that is beneficial for the film industry.
The tread pandits are predicting that Good Newwz is expected to open between Rs 18 to Rs 20 crore, at the box office. As Salman's Dabaang 3 opened with Rs 24.50 crore, while asked if he is happy to see his contemporary's film opening with less number, Salman promptly reacted, " what? What is so good at that? Akki's (Akshay Kumar) film should do better than that of mine."
"I would have been the happiest if Akki's film could have opened with bigger numbers than that of ours but this is also good. I believe that it is not just about my film or Akki's or of Shahrukh's film. I say all of our films should get a bigger opening and earn a lot of money because it is good for our film industry. Yes, it is less but it is not a bad opening at all, it is a damn good opening considering the present situation of our country."
The Dabangg star started partying from last night with his friends from the film industry like Shahrukh Khan, Sonakshi Sinha, Katrina Kaif, Saiee Manjrekar, Bipasha Basu, Daisy Shah and family members.
WATCH | Salman turns 54: Katrina, Sangeeta, Iulia attends b'day bash
"Our film Dabangg 3 was also expected to open to a certain number but it opened less than that but even then I want to thank my fans who are going to the theatre and spending their hard earn money to watch our film. That is why we promise to work hard to worth their money. I salute all our fans," said Salman after cutting a cake and sharing with media.