Mumbai: Actor Sayani Gupta has pledged support to her house helps and driver amid the ongoing health crisis.
"I pledge to support my house help/driver through this crisis," declared Sayani, on a picture of herself she posted on Instagram. The snapshot was hashtagged #eachonehelpone.
Alongside the image, she wrote: "I cannot believe that there are people who are not paying their house help and staff and doing pay cuts in times of this grave crisis. For all the support they have given us, it's time we support them back. We will only survive this storm if each one helps one (or more if possible). Till our domestic help are unable to go back to work, please pledge to pay them their salaries."
"I pledge to support my domestic help and driver through this crisis. Please help me spread the message to more people by doing this: 1. Go to stories 2. Use the Tokyo filter on your photo 3. Use the typewriter font 4. Highlight 'I PLEDGE' in pink 5. 'To support my domestic help through this crisis' in black) and post it on your TL. Tag friends as ask them to do the same," added Sayani.