Mumbai: Bollywood actor Farhan Akhtar on Thursday announced that he has contributed 1000 personal protective equipment (PPE) kits to help the frontline workers and urged the people to help them to make their fight against COVID-19 smoother.
The 46-year-old actor shared the information on social media and signaled about the need for more supply of PPE kits in hospitals for the medical team and staff.
The actor through a recorded video message on Twitter revealed that he "personally" has contributed 1000 PPE kits to the government hospitals and also appealed to the people to donate as much as they can.
He later detailed the cost of the PPE kits, guided his followers on how they can make the contribution, and also mentioned that he would personally extend his thanks to everyone.
"Every PPE kit cost Rs 650, and they will be provided to the hospitals most in need."