Mumbai: Bollywood's chirpy beauty queen Sara Ali Khan on Thursday confirmed that she will be sharing screen space with actors Akshay Kumar and Dhanush in director Aanand L. Rai's next Atrangi Re.
Sara announced the same by sharing a couple of pictures with the two co-actors on Instagram, in which the three could be seen posing for a fun photoshoot.
In one of the pictures, Dhanush and Kumar are seen playfully kissing Sara on her cheeks from either side and in the other one, Sara and Kumar are seen teasing Dhanush by caressing his cheeks.
"I can't believe my luck, My next film ATRANGI RE, Blessed to be working with @aanandlrai sir, In an @arrahman musical, And so thankful to have @akshaykumar sir join hands with the extremely talented and incredibly humble @dhanushkraja and myself," Khan captioned the post.