New Delhi:Actor Sara Ali Khan is missing her brother Ibrahim Ali Khan on Bhai Dooj, as the latter is not in the town on the special occasion. The Simmba actor who has a close bonding with her brother Ibrahim Ali Khan, shared an enduring picture of him on her Instagram story. With a moon shining in the backdrop, Ibrahim could be seen smiling as he poses for the lens.
Bhai Dooj, the festival of a symbol of brother-sister love was celebrated all over the country on Saturday. On this day, sisters pray for their brothers to have long and happy lives by performing Tika ceremony and brothers offer gifts to their sisters.
"Happy bhai Dooj Iggy Potter. Missing you so much today! P.S. you're the only one that can manage to get my attention despite being in the same frame as the moon. Come home soon," Sara wrote alongside the snap.
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