Mumbai: After different poster updates of Deepika Padukone starrer Chhapaak, a new picture is doing rounds on the internet. The still shows the Tamasha actor as a schoolgirl, giving a glimpse of Malti, an acid attack survivor, before she was subjected to the tragedy.
She looked adorable in the school uniform, donning a navy blue salwar with a white dupatta. The actor's simplicity portrays her innocence standing beside a schoolboy.
The film is inspired by the real-life iron-willed survivor Laxmi Agarwal. It narrates her journey, from the spot where she lay unconscious after the attack, to the hospital, her medical treatment, battling the unwelcoming reaction from the society, mental trauma, self-acceptance and moving on.
Helmed by Meghna Gulzar, the flick is produced by her as well as Deepika Padukone in collaboration with Fox Star Studios.