Mumbai: Actor Chandan Roy Sanyal on Saturday said he has started shooting for his next film titled Woh Teen Din in Banaras, with all the necessary precautions.
The actor flew to Banaras two days before the commencement of the shoot on July 7.
According to a press release issued on Sanyal's behalf, the actor will be filming his portion for the next few days in Chunar, a small town in the district of Mirzapur in Uttar Pradesh.
He said the entire team of Woh Teen Din are taking necessary safety precautions during the shoot.
"I'm shooting outdoors after four months approximately. I feel like a beginner and I'm happy and relieved that the makers of the film are handling the safety of the cast and crew so wonderfully. It is amazing to be working with Sanjay Mishra for a film that has such a unique story," Sanyal said in a statement.
The 40-year-old actor said the unit consists of 30 people and everyone is following social distancing and taking other preventive measures.