Mumbai: Actor and social activist Celina Jaitly recently appeared in a short film titled Seasons Greetings: A Tribute To Rituparno Ghosh. She said that although on one hand the educated society -- especially the younger generation -- is becoming acceptive towards the LGBTQ+ community, such societal change is tough to happen unless the sheer ignorance about the community goes away.
The short film addresses the issue of social acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community and the film is a tribute to National award-winning director, late Rituparno Ghosh.
Being a United Nations Equality Champions, Celina told IANS: "There is still a lack of understanding about the LGBT community. The biggest block is that in India society is not ready to educate themselves about homosexuality and its acceptance on any level. Reasons could be anything from religious to sheer ignorance."
She added: "(Even though times are changing and we are becoming more accepting of gays and lesbians), homophobia and negativity are still part of our cultural fibre. Even if people don't think they're homophobic, or even if they have gay friends, they still grew up with all the messages and stereotypes about gays and lesbians. Overall the fact of the matter is India is way behind in all levels when it comes to "acceptance" of sexual minorities."
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