Mumbai: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) team investigating the Sushant Singh Rajput (SSR) death case has moved from the office of DCP Zone 9 Abhishek Trimukhe to Bandra Police station along with some documents on Friday. As a part of the investigation, the Special Investigating Team (SIT) also questioned Sushant's cook, who happens to be a key witness in the case.
The 10-member CBI team led by Superintendent of Police (SP) Nupur Prasad, reached Mumbai on Friday night for further investigation into the case.
Earlier today, the CBI team brought an unidentified person related to the case, to the guest house where they are staying, for questioning.
Sushant's staff members were also questioned at the office of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and the Air Force Guest House in Santa Cruz.
Meanwhile, the second team of CBI officers visited the office of the Deputy Commissioner of Police near the Bandra Police Station to collect case records of the late actor.
Forensic experts from the CBI's Central Forensic Science Laboratory are also expected to visit the actor's house today.