Mumbai:Megastar Amitabh Bachchan and his actress-politician wife Jaya Bachchan's first film together titled Bansi Birju has clocked 49 years of its release in Hindi cinema. Amitabh treated his fans on social media with a black-and-white picture of the film. The cine icon on late Saturday night posted a monochrome still from the film. In the image, Jaya is seen wrapped in Big B's arms.
"Our first film together .. Bansi Birju.. released Sept 1, 1970 .. that's 49 years ago," Big B wrote as the caption for the image, which currently has 349,000 likes on the photo-sharing website. Reacting to Big B's post, daughter Shweta Bachchan Nanda wrote, " Love you both" while granddaughter Navya Naveli Nanda left a heart emoji in the actor's comment section.