Mumbai: Paying tribute to his late father Harivansh Rai Bachchan a day after his 112th anniversary, megastar Amitabh on Thursday shared some lines from the late poet's renowned book Madhushala.
"Jeevan se ooba, icha hai janm na fir paun, par yadi janm pade lena hi, Bharat me hi aau (tired of life, I do not wish to be born again, but if I am born again, I want it to be in India)," read the lines.
Big B also posted a picture of his father sitting on a stage at a Kavi sammelan in Kolkata.
Wednesday marked the 112th anniversary of one of India's noted poets.
He is credited with some outstanding poems, which include Aakul Antar, Ekaant Sangeet, Soot Ki Maala, Aarti Aur Angaare and Bahut Din Beete.