Mumbai: Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan treated his fans by sharing adorable pictures with wife Jaya Bachchan and daughter Shweta Nanda, reminicing the golden days of joy. He can be seen bursting crackers alongside daughter and wife. The adorable picture of the power couple will surely melt hearts.
He captioned, "T 3530 - Diwali greetings to all .. peace prosperity and fulfilment ..🙏 दीपावली की अनेक अनेक शुभकामनाएँ ; सुख शांति समृद्धि , सदा 🌹(Please accept this as a response to all the greetings received ; it will be impossible to reply to each individually)."
Apparently, Big B is supposed to host a Diwali party this year at jis mansion Jalsa in Mumbai. For the last two years the Bachchan's haven't been able to celebrate the festive occasion as in 2017, Aishwarya Rai's father passed away and in 2018, Shweta Nanda's father-in-law passed.