Mumbai (Maharashtra):Actor Bhumi Pednekar who has launched an environment protection initiative called 'Climate Warrior', has come up with an innovative idea, this Diwali, to spark a conversation on the need for conservation of nature by gifting saplings to her industry friends and colleagues this festive season.
Talking about the reason for gifting saplings to her friends, Bhumi disclosed, "The reason behind gifting saplings to my family, friends, and colleagues comes from a very simple thought of spreading green joy on Diwali. I am a climate warrior and while I absolutely love the spirit of Diwali, the festivities and gifting our near and dear ones, I thought this year I should start by changing the way I give gifts to people."
Bhumi added, "This Diwali, I am gifting saplings which are in earthen pots with the packaging made from jute and 100% biodegradable materials. And also, we are adding more plants to this world that is the need of the hour. I am hoping that in near future we see people gifting eco-friendly gifts and plants during Diwali and other festivals."
As her advocacy campaign 'Climate Warrior' completed its first year, Bhumi also launched a new logo that signifies the objective of the campaign going forward. The 'Saand Ki Aankh' actor took to Instagram and shared the logo.
Revealing what her new logo signifies, Bhumi said, "We need to understand that this Earth is for all living organisms and we can't be selfish to think that it's just for humans and our needs. There are billions of living creatures and organisms thriving on this very planet who have an equal right to live on Earth. Humans are a superior race but that means we should be responsible and considerate and use our skills to protect and preserve all other species."