Hyderabad (Telangana):Bollywood actor Bhagyashree became an overnight star after the release of her debut film Maine Payar Kiya. The actor, however, did not pursue her acting career to marry the man of her dreams, Himalay Dasani. The couple had to face rejection of families from both sides which apparently pains the actor to date.
Bhagyashree and Himalaya got married in 1990. The couple who is being seen on the reality show Smart Jodi, walked down memory lane on national television. Recalling the family's objection to her marrying Himalaya, Bhagyashree got teary-eyed on the show. Talking about how they had to tie the knot going against their parents’ wish, Bhagyashree could not hold her tears.
The actor said, "There was no one from my family at my wedding, and the same was the case with my husband. When I told my parents that I want to get married to him, they didn’t agree." Bhagyashree further added that while parents have dreams and ambitions for their children, they should allow kids to choose what is best for them.