Mumbai (Maharashtra): Bollywood superstar Salman Khan says Beyond the Star, a forthcoming docu-series on his life and career, will present an honest and fun account about him as a person off camera. The project will trace the journey of the 55-year-old actor, his superstardom, his equation with people in the film industry, controversies, among other things, and will be narrated by his family, friends, co-stars, directors, producers, and media people.
Khan said it was his friend, Romanian actor-model Iulia Vantur who came up with the idea of making a docu-series to encapsulate his journey of 33 years in the movies.
"My docu-series is Beyond the Star. Iulia had thought of it and I felt it was a good concept. Whoever I have worked with, staff, friends, co-stars, directors, producers will talk about how I was earlier and how I am now. She narrated it to Andre (Timmins, Wiz Films) and he took it to Applause Entertainment and they finalised this. It is a very good project," the actor said in an interview.
The docuseries, directed by Viraf Sarkari, will also talk about all the people who have helped Khan become the star he is. Khan also informed he was supposed to work on Beyond the Star after completing work on his films but ended up doing it first. The docu-series went on floors in October.
"Everyone has come in to talk, people have come and spoken honest things, people who didn't like things have also spoken and those who liked have also spoken. So the entire journey has been in a way captured. It is as honest (as possible). And it is fun.
Khan, who has 43.3 million followers on Twitter and 47.2 million on Instagram, continues to be one of the most popular 1990s stars albeit controversial with an almost cult-like fan following. He is also an entrepreneur and a humanitarian who has extended support, both financial and other, to colleagues and common people through his charitable trust Being Human Foundation that helps the needy in various services from education to healthcare.
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"It is a manufacturing defect and it comes from parents and their parents, even my brothers are like that," the actor quipped when asked to comment about his support to various causes.